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TOPIC: Pleasure to your ears

Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1332

  • DuNe
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Hello, thought i`d wake up this section of the forum with some melodic beats and voices.
Also why not even sharing musical experience.
I`ll start with Smiley - Acasa ^_^

The song is in my language but there is a translation for it, not accurate enough but there is.



Pot spune că sunt doar un om,
Că povestea mea-i ca toate celelalte,
M-am născut, trăiesc și-o să mor,
Și voi fi judecat după fapte.

Dar sigur am drumul meu,
Nu am niciun semn de întrebare.
Câteodată e greu să fiu eu,
Dar nu vreau să fiu un oarecare.

Vreau să cânt, să visez și să râd,
Să nu uit să mă joc câteodată.
Și-atunci când în lume voi pleca
Să nu uit să mă întorc acasă.

Și-atâta timp cât mai respir
Vreau să rămân copil,
Vreau să mă bucur de viață,
Că nu se știe când mai vin.

Vreau să beau cât se cuvine,
Să stau cu cine-mi vine,
Să-mi iubesc prietenii
Așa cum mă iubesc pe mine.

Vreau să gust din plăcere,
Să trec peste durere,
Știi că viața oferă doar celui care cere,
Celui care cere.

Și-mi vine câteodată să plec,
S-o las baltă de tot,
Și-atunci îmi amintesc
Că în viață nu există „nu pot”.

(refren x2)

Și-mi vine câteodată să plec,
S-o las baltă de tot,
Și-atunci îmi amintesc
Că în viață nu există „nu pot”.

(refren x3)



I can say I am just a man,
That my story is like all the others,
I was born, I live and I will die,
And I will be judged through my deeds.

But it's sure that I have my own way,
I don't have any question mark.
Sometimes it's hard to be me,
But I don't want to be anyone else.

I want to sing, to dream and to laugh,
Don't want to forget to play sometimes.
And then when I will step into the world
don't want to forget to come back home.

And as long I still breathe,
I want to remain a child,
I wand to enjoy life,
As we don't know when I come back.

I want to drink as much as I can,
To stay with those I like,
To love my friends
the way they love me.

I want to taste pleasure,
To pass through painful times,
Know that life only offers things to those who ask
To those who ask.

And sometimes it happens me to leave,
to drop everything,
And then I remember
that in life " I can't " does not exist.

(chorus x2)

And sometimes it happens me to leave,
to drop everything,
And then I remember
that in life " I can't " does not exist.

(chorus x3)
Former UT2k4 player
Last Edit: 11 years 1 week ago by DuNe.
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Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1333

  • Spikor
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Unfortunatley, this video is not available in germany

I'd propose this one instead:

(She was born in Timișoara and lives in Berlin now : )
Last Edit: 11 years 1 week ago by Spikor.
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Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1334

  • DuNe
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Lol what? ^^
Good one ^^
Here is another link towards the blocked video, hope this one works.

Former UT2k4 player
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Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1342

  • Complex
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Your second link works :)
And it's not bad ;)

But this kind of music takes my breath away:


(suddenly the video thing works ...)
Last Edit: 11 years 3 days ago by Complex.
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Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1344

  • DuNe
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Oh yes, nice tastes Complex ^^

Here is another one for you all! :D
Grasu XXL feat Ami - Deja vu


Former UT2k4 player
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Pleasure to your ears 11 years 1 week ago #1347

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