Anyway, i've chosen to translate something but i'm not sure i'm sending the correct message in english.
Ombladon feat. Bitza - The empty half
R: (x2)
Dac-ar fi ziua de maine, sa nu mai vina,
If it will not be for tomorrow to come
Sa nu apuc sa beau din jumatatea plina,
Not having the chance to drink from the full half
Mi-aprind tigara, in ploaia de afara
I light up my cigar outside in the rain
Obisnuit de mic sa beau din jumatatea goala.
Used since little to drink from the empty half
Sunt multi ca mine, crescuti cu greu,
There are lots like me hardly raised
De mici, cu griji, in fine.
Since birth with worries, whatever
Nu ne temem de ce vedem,
We don’t fear from what we see
Nu ne pierdem in fum,
We don’t get lost in the smoke
Suntem si rai si buni,
We are and bad and good
Ne cream propriul drum.
We create our own road
N'are relevanta, ca-n viata-i ca pe gheata,
There’s no relevance that life is on ice
Cu zambetu' pe fat'-alunecam prin ceata.
With the smile upon our face we slip through the fog
Nu-i simplu tot timpu', dar tot timpu' e simplu
It’s not simple all the time but all the time it’s simple
Sa bei din jumatatea goala, pur si simplu, singur.
To drink from the empty half pure and simple, alone
Dispar toti, toti cauta iesirea,
All disappear, all looking for the exit
Ne jucam de-a viata, de-a iubirea, asta-i firea.
We play with life, love, that’s our nature
Sunt vremuri in care te cutremuri si tremuri,
There are times when you shiver and tremble
Nu dispera, stii doar ca, sunt vremuri si vremuri.
Don’t despair, you know that there are times and times
Din vremuri indepartate cad ploi,
From far away times rains pour
Toti vrem sa fim eroi,
We all want to be heroes
Cand toti ne-am nascut goi,
When we all were born hollow
Jumatatea plina e a altora, ce daca?
The full half is for others, so what?
Bea din jumatatea mea goala, hai incearca.
Drink from my empty half, come on try.
R: (x2)
Dac-ar fi ziua de maine, sa nu mai vina,
If it will not be for tomorrow to come
Sa nu apuc sa beau din jumatatea plina,
Not having the chance to drink from the full half
Mi-aprind tigara, in ploaia de afara
I light up my cigar outside in the rain
Obisnuit de mic sa beau din jumatatea goala.
Used since little to drink from the empty half
Din jumatatea goala, cu sete,
From the empty half with thirst
Gustam cu totii, cu, sau fara regrete.
We all taste with or without regrets
Nascut in lumea asta, de ani de zile,
Born in this world for years
Aud povesti ce-ti zburlesc pielea pe tine.
I hear stories that make your skin ruffle
Fericirea ne e luata, fara drept la replica,
Our happiness is taken without the right to reply
Sunt legi ce ne-'mpiedica, oameni ce predica.
There are laws that prevent us, people that give orders
Prin viata increzatori, ca pe-o alee,
Confidents through life just like on an alley
Te plimbi incet si singur, si ce greu e.
You walk slowly and alone and it’s so hard
Cand ai glorie, viata in culori e,
When you’re glorious, life’s in colour
Si nori, e ploaia ce-ti naruie,
And clouds, it’s the rain that crumbles your
Visele, viata, exact cand nu trebuie,
Dreams, life, exactly when it’s not needed
Totu' devine acru, mai acru ca o rodie.
All becomes sour, more sour than a pomegranate
Cand vreau sa evadez dintre resturi,
When i want to escape between the remnants
Am muzica si fututele astea de versuri,
I have this music and these f*****g lyrics
Pentru tot ce am, am tras de mine,
For all i have, i worked hard
Pentru tot ce n-am si n-am, sa am, musc ca un caine.
For all i don’t have and never will, i bite like a dog
R: (x2)
Dac-ar fi ziua de maine, sa nu mai vina,
If it will not be for tomorrow to come
Sa nu apuc sa beau din jumatatea plina,
Not having the chance to drink from the full half
Mi-aprind tigara, in ploaia de afara
I light up my cigar outside in the rain
Obisnuit de mic sa beau din jumatatea goala.
Used since little to drink from the empty half.
kos lol you sir definitely av to much time on yer hands n desperately in need ov a woman lolz so i put it again to ya all bout rommels journals ov love theme hehe cuz trust rommel if ya dont stop rommel it will be started lol^^
In the not to distant future, fellow players n kos! Spikor is goin enter a simple post fer u to copy n google n rommel recommends u do so^^
Mad dogs & Englishmen n War...........